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SEO Audit Course


keywords video still

Here is a Great Resource for Knowing How To Do an SEO Audit of a Website.

This highly informative video course is intended for SEO freelancers and website owners looking for do-it-yourself options.

Your course is available to download at the bottom of this page.

This is a Video Course Courses of 15 Modules

And as you can see we have structured it in such a way that it helps everyone regardless of their levels of expertise on the subject, right from a beginner to an expert.

We cover everything you need to know for a comprehensive SEO audit of a website.

This is how to maximise the value of YOUR website to YOUR business.


    Course Introduction

    Vid 1 SEO Audit Course Introduction

    Vid 2 SEO Audit Template


    Site Crawling, Indexing, Accessibility, Technical Analysis

    Vid 1 Section Introduction

    Vid 2  Google Search Console

    Vid 3 User Experience Section of GSC

    Vid 4 Checking For Site Accessibility

    Vid 5 Broken Link Check

    Vid 6 Website Uptime Check


    Checking Duplicate Or Bad Content

    Vid 1 Ways Of Dealing With Thin Or Bad Content

    Vid 2 Finding Pages To Improve Or Delete

    Vid 3 Identifying And Getting Rid Of Bad Pages

    Vid 4 Tracking Current SEO Traffic


    Tracking Current SEO Traffic

    Vid 1 Google Analytics Introduction


    Domain Level Factors

    Vid 1 Domain Level Factors Introduction

    Vid 2 Does Site Age Matter For SEO?

    Vid 3 What Is Page Rank, Domain Authority, And Do They Matter?

    Vid 4 Page Optimization Prioritization Strategy


    URL Structure

    Vid 1 Do Keywords In Domain Or Exact Match Domains Matter?

    Vid 2 HTTPS Instead Of HTTP

    Vid 3 URL Folder And Page Names Structures


    Checking Mobile Friendliness

    Vid 1 On Page SEO Audit Section Introduction

    Vid 2 Introduction To Mobile Friendly Websites

    Vid 3 Using The Google Mobile Friendly Check Tool


    Page Quality Audit

    Vid 1 Good Grammar On Each Page

    Vid 2 How To Set Up The Yoast Plugin For SEO

    Vid 3 Setting Meta Title And Description

    Vid4 Content Quality And Cornerstone SEO Pages and Rich Media

    Vid 5 Image ALT Tag For SEO


    Keyword Research

    Vid 1 Keyword Research Introduction

    Vid 2 13-Step Keyword Research Checklist

    Vid 3 Keyword Density Tool Uses

    Vid 4 Optimising For Voice Search


    Site Load Speed

    Vid 1 Speed Update

    Vid 2 3 Free Site Speed Analysis Tools

    Vid 3 Critical Rendering Path Impact

    Vid 4 Case Study And Taking Out Unused CSS From A Page Vid 5 Case Study Of Reducing Image Size

    Vid 6 Case Study Of Getting Rid Of JavaScript


    Easy Wins For Faster Page Loading

    Vid 1 Page Speed Insights

    Vid 2 Further Reducing Image Size


    CSS And JavaScript Minification

    Vid 1 Minifying CSS, HTML, and JavaScript

    Vid 2 Enabling Compression

    Vid 3 Caching Plugins For WordPress


    Using Page Speed Insights

    Vid 1 Removing Unused CSS

    Vid 2 Unused CSS In A WordPress Template

    Vid 3 JavaScript Defer And Async Tags

    Vid 4 Experiment Of Removing Google Ads


    Local Google SEO

    Vid 1 Which Businesses Are Local And Examining The Result Template


    Extras To Look Into

    Vid 1 Bounce Rates And SEO

Your Course Is Here  >>>

Just Click On Each Link and download and save to your computer.