The best SEO conversion content converts. It doesn’t just happen. An SEO content writer creates it and brings to life an SEO conversion funnel. With so many businesses, websites on offers investing time and money to rank high in the search engines for highly competitive keyword phrase. Those who create content that converts a website visitor into customers, clients or patients are kings and queens.
Your first step is to be an SEO content writer who not only appreciates search engine optimization technicalities. But who can write content that is relevant to your chosen search terms. And in such a way that it is compelling, informative and helpful to the website visitor. To begin you need to bring all your various ideas together.
One of the major tasks of writing SEO content is collecting your ideas together. For this you need to know what keyword phrases you will be creating content around.
If you are writing for a client it may be that your brief is around specific keywords. Or if you are in control of keyword choice you will be choosing keywords that you can rank for fairly quickly.
Good SEO content has a very clear pathway. And this is developed by first finding out your keyword clusters. Here a couple of tools will help you. They are Keywords Everywhere and Answer the Public.
Simply type in a keyword related to your writing brief, and you will be able to collate the most relevant keyword phrases and the most common relevant questions. Now it is a matter of bringing these ideas into your first draft using best practices.
Always write your content for humans first is number one in SEO content best practices because the danger is as an SEO content writer you focus too much on the search engine optimisation aspect of your content creation.
Yes you need to make sure that your on-page SEO aspects such as page title. meta description, H1, H2, h3 headings and sub headings are all in order for a mixture of keywords. Together with their density in the body copy, image file names and alt text. But these should not be manipulated so that you lose the interest of the human reader.
As a writer of SEO content you naturally want to get the attention of the search engines. And meet the criteria of the algorithms, but never at the detriment of your website visitor.
Remember that your true end goal is to produce SEO conversion content that will get individuals to take the action you want. Bots don’t become paying customers, clients or patients. People do.
As a SEO specialist you know that search engine algorithms have become ever more intelligent. And more and more sites are being penalized because of bad SEO practices. But you also need to bear in mind that real website visitors penalize a website in seconds. By clicking away if it does not meet what they want.
For this you need to put your thinking cap on and create an avatar or a series of avatars. This area alone could be a series of articles but here is a brief idea of what you want to do.
This is fictional person who will become your customer, client or patient.
Name your avatar, how old are they, what gender are they, are they married, do they have children, where do the live?
Then write down their occupation, title, income, education.
In relation to your offer …
What problem do they want help with.
What do they really, really want.
Once you have a clear picture of your avatar you can then write directly for them in a concise and logical manner. This doesn’t mean necessarily fewer words but it does mean that each sentence contains all the information in a way that can clearly understood.
No one wants to read a long-winded wordy article. Most will skim first before deciding to read more so you need to use headings , bullet points, pictures and sometimes video to grab the attention.
Always break up daunting “walls of text.”
Paragraphs on the web are more readable if they are short – as little as one or two sentences, but usually not more than 100 to 125 words.
And these paragraphs should seek to solve a specific problem or fulfil a wished for desire.
Most people don’t become a buyer on the first visit so your content needs to offer some sort of valuable giveaway in exchange for their email address. You will then use the email so send a sequence of emails to bring people back to the offer until they buy.
Your giveaway could be a simple discount code, Step-by-step instructional videos, white papers, reports, eBooks or other digital or physical “freebies”
When all ideas are collated and brought together it is important that after your first draft you run through an SEO content checklist.
Here is a SEO content writing checklist from to help you get started:
Not Too Long, Not Too Short
Keep it Organized
Use The Active Voice
Keep Vocabulary Simple
Write Short Sentences
Write Short Paragraphs
Use the Focus Keyword in Your Title
Include Keywords in Your Subheadings
Use the Target Keyword Throughout the Text
Maximize External & Internal Links
Use Relevant, High-Quality Images
Use Examples to Illustrate Your Points
Now ask yourself.
What makes this information relevant to website visitor (avatar)?
How will your avatar benefit from the information you are offering?
Would your avatar share this on their personal or professional social media channels?
Can your avatar get this same information elsewhere?
What insight can you provide your avatar that competitors cannot?
Now you have done you first draft and run your check list.
It is time to look at your SEO conversion funnel.
Not Just An SEO Funnel a True SEO Conversion Funnel
An SEO funnel gets the website ranked on the search engines and implements a strategy that attracts website visitors.
Ranking a site is good, but the sad truth is that most websites that rank are hopeless when it comes to converting website visitors into paying customers, clients or patients.
Which is why we at WSEOY focus on creating an SEO conversion funnel for every website we rank.
Are your website visitors resulting in product or service sales. Do visitors fill in your contact form or email opt-in, Do you receive phone calls, or a physical visit?
If you’re not getting conversions or you would like a lot more then we can help.
Download your free SEO conversion funnel report and look forward to optimizing your conversion rate.